Wednesday 28 October 2015

Behind the scenes in the rug cleaning business

Every now and then we take you behind the scenes. Today we show you our Gavin and his handy work. The other day we received our brand, spanking new, Cimex Cyclone Cleaner. Now, few of you will be familiar with Cimex, but for us in the rug and carpet cleaning trade, it was Christmas come early.

The three-head system allows for less slippage when cleaning and greater operational control. The Cimex website goes into more detail and before you've finished reading their site, you'll think Art of Clean bought a Ferrari, but in a way, we did. We bought a top-of-the-line rotary machine that cleans right down the the depths of your rug, loosening the in-grained dirt via a very gentle massage..and who doesn't want that?

Once cleaned, Gavin has to brush off the excess water and then roll and place your prized carpet or rug into our centrifugal spinner to remove the moisture. This is the most efficient and safest way to ensure your rug leaves the premises in the best condition it can.

Gavin then wraps the rug in plastic and it's ready to come home.

Art of Clean makes it a habit, ne, an addiction, to invest in the most up-to-date training methods (we recently completed the IICRC classes) and technology. We are constantly striving to do a better job and with this new Cimex system in place, we feel sure you'll see the benefits swiftly.

If you live in Cambridge (UK) or any of the surrounding villages (Ely, St Ives, Huntingdon, Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket, Histon, Milton, and on and on...) and you have a special rug that needs a thorough deep cleaning and a caring hand, please allow us the opportunity to restore your fine rug.

Have you ever washed your clothes and the washing machine breaks down just before the spin cycle? Then you hang-up your dripping wet clothes to dry and then, when they finally are, they're just not the same? Not so fresh? They might even have that mouldy smell?

I guess the same principle applies to your fine rug. 

It's always best to call the professionals.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Thursday 22 October 2015

The Dustiest Rug you have EVER seen!

Over the years you're likely to notice subtle changes in your carpets and rugs. Maybe it's the light, you think, or maybe the dog fur's built up a little too much you say, whatever it is, that prized rug has taken a turn to the dark-side, or at least the dull-side.

That's when you call Art of Clean, because no matter how furry, dusty, damp, dirty or just plain mucky it has become, Art of Clean feel confident they can get that scruff off your rug.

That being said, every now and then we find a winner for the Dustiest Rug Ever Competition.

NOTE: This is not a real competition and no prizes will be awarded. Sorry.

As you can see, this is a red rug. It's detailed and in generally good nick, except for the excessive build-up of grey gruff.

Somewhere in the office we have one of those old rug beating sticks, the kind the housewives of yesteryear would use to beat their rugs to within an inch of their lives, and on occasion, their husbands too. Nowadays we just pick it up by the scruff of it's neck and shake it until it comes clean...or cleaner at least.

Watch this video to see Pierre man-handling some life back into this piece.

Remember: without care and attention, that delicate rug is likely to edge towards the point where no cleaner, no matter how well trained can bring it back from the brink. For what we call 'High Traffic' rugs (trampled on in the hallway and entrance to your home) a cleaning every couple of years is what we recommend and of course, the occasional vacuum.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Friday 9 October 2015

Carpet Stains removed by Ben

Rugs and carpets are our bread and butter and it's our job to remove those butter stains from all manner of fluffy, household items; upholstery included.

Carpets are possibly the most wear-inducing item you will even own. They're thankfully built to last, but that doesn't mean they're impervious to damage and devastation. Over the years, even the hardiest of shag, wool or man-made carpet will show the signs of being on it's last legs. That is, unless you protect and care for it.

Trainers, in from the wet, spilled wine, jam, even blood, these are all stains that we can and will be happy to remove from your carpet, because, let's be honest, carpets aren't cheap (well, some are, but they won't last) and don't you want your money to stretch the test of time?

Not so very long ago, we employed a strapping young lad named Ben. Now, Ben (regular readers will know) has been getting his head down and really showing the team what he can do. His dedication and willingness to learn have been evident and the proof is in the pudding or rather the pudding is out of the carpet, in this case. This particular home belongs to a nice young couple with equally young children and when there's kids, there's mess. Only a year and a half in "This is what can happen when you have young children and a husband who doesn't take his shoes off in the house" was the answer when Ben asked what had caused the food and drink stains, along with colouring pens and general dirt.

Light coloured carpets and rugs are always prone to staining and their tones always reveal the tarnish. You're welcome to try cleaning your carpet yourself of course and if you care to, we have articles on our sister-blog (Housekeeping101) and within this one that will help you in your efforts, but...if you don't have the time, the interest or your other half is simply unwilling, call us, well pop along, assess the situation and give you a realistic, honest appraisal. You won't be sorry, or your money back.

Here's a video we made earlier, expounding the value of a professional carpet cleaning. 

Art of Clean is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Friday 25 September 2015

Peacocks and other rugs

It's called "Peacocking"; dressing for attention.

Male peacocks flutter their rather lovely feathers in an effort to attractive the female of the species. Now, what in the world does this have to do with rugs? I here you ask.

Nothing at all, but here's a rather lovely one by The Rug Company.

Brought in for a spot of cleaning, this is one of the more striking rugs we've had the pleasure of dealing with, and it goes to show that not every rug needs to be traditional. The feathers or rain drops, however you see it, blot colour everywhere and draw the eye, keeping this rug interesting, long past it's purchase date.

This one is not so much for walking on as it is for hanging, but there you have another use for rugs: art. Tapestries have been giving people pleasure for centuries. A prime example of a wonderful piece is at the Victoria and Albert Museum - London.

John Lewis currently have a range of interesting designs to decorate your floor, something different to make a centre piece and a conversation starter.

And here's one we found just to boggle your mind from Sacramento Airport, USA.

Rug cleaning brings with it countless confounding conundrums. Staining is obviously the largest bug bear for any rug or carpet owner. Whether it's your children dripping their Ribena on the new beige carpet, your thoughtless other half traipsing in muddied feet after begrudgingly mowing the lawn (because you've been asking him since the start of Summer and it's September now), or your elderly pet loosing a little urine, it's all stains at the end of the day. 

It all means it needs a clean!  

It all means, call the professionals. 

Art of Clean have been spot fixing, blotting, scrubbing, washing, dabbing and daubing stains for over ten years now and show no signs of stopping.

Art of Clean is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Tuesday 22 September 2015

A cleaner calls

So, it's late at night. Maybe the dog's bumped into you on the way up the stairs to jump on your bed and steal your spot next to your Hubby? Maybe the sleep deprivation from having a three week old, screaming infant has left you slightly wobbly. Or, maybe you're just clumsy. Whatever it is, you've spilt that cuppa, dropped that toast with jam face down or the dog simply ran past with autumn muddied paws. Whatever it is, now there's a stain on your carpeted stairs.

The next morning you awaken, slightly less tired, dog still in place, baby (fingers crossed) asleep and you stagger down to get a coffee...and that's when you see it! The stain from the night before. You're a hop, skip and a jump from fully erupting and then you remember, that leaflet somebody put through your door. It was pink and said something about cleaning.

That's it!

Rummaging through your rubble drawer you find it. It's even got a picture of a handsome young man on it and promises 100% satisfaction. Can't argue with that.

You pick up the phone and dial, while stirring your mug and adding your third sweetener.

Jump to a few days later and low and behold, that same handsome young man (his name's Ben) knocks politely on the door and sets to work.  

"Can you get the stain out?" you ask.

Turning with a kind smile and a slightly mischievous glint he replies, "I'll do my absolute best".

And that's what you get with Art of Clean. A professional, likeable service that delivers on it's promises.

Call the professionals.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Silk or not silk, that is the question

Silk rugs are often the most intricately made and valuable rugs of all the hand knotted rugs available. Their quality is beyond compare and with the strength the silk provides, these rugs show clearer patterns that any other.

But have you ever thought about where your silk comes from?

Here at Art of Clean we like to think about the origin of our rugs, to understand them is to love them. Silk worms or to give them their Latin name - Bombyx Mori, have been bred for the production of silk in China for over 5000 years.  

As the legend goes, the Chinese Empress Lei Zu was one day drinking tea under a tree. As you do. When a cocoon fell into her cup. I imagine, after feeling most surprised and annoying, she fished our the pod and began to unravel it around her finger and that is when she realised that the caterpillar larva was the source. Over the centuries various people tried to steal the secret to silk production, to the point that it is now manufactured around the world.

But it's not only Chinese worm bums that provide the treasured silk, you can, in fact, find it in the solidified larva of a large clam, just off the coast of the Sardinian island of Sant'Antioco.

When cleaning rugs, Art of Clean are very aware that sometimes, silk just ain't silk. Every once in a while a client has bought a, yes, beautiful rug, but the silk to rug ratio is sadly far below the quota to define it as silk. It can be disappointing, but a beautiful rug is always beautiful, no matter where it comes from.

Watch this short video and he will explain what to look for to check for yourself.

When in doubt, always call the professionals.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Thursday 20 August 2015

Our love for Aubusson tapestries

Aubusson is the name of several communes in France, famous for their tapestry production.
Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, this region was responsible for the manufacture of wool tapestry woven rugs that rivalled the works of Les Gobelins and the Beauvais tapestries.

Aubusson tapestries originated, it is believed, from the upper valley of Creuse and were first created from the use of looms. Traditionally, Aubusson works represented cartoons and engravings, showing people, buildings, birds and vignettes of plant life.  

In the 1930’s, enjoying a new lease on popular life, artists such as Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso were invited to Aubusson to create works through the medium of wool.

Art of Clean

Like many specialized industries, markets change and as such, tapestry production has, in recent years, gravitated towards China, but thankfully, not all of it.

Not so very long ago, Pierre and Laurence managed a trip to see Les Gobelins tapestries and were even treated to a viewing of their process.

As Pierre says, it is incredibly important for the peopleyou trust with your precious carpets to understand and appreciate their manufacture and value. 

When you take the time to look at precious works of art, as tapestries so clearly are, you begin to treasure the time and energy that went into weaving these marvels.

So when you feel that strongly, you want a company that feels the same way. We will take the best of care of your priceless works and return them to you, sparkling and almost as-good-as-new.

Art of Clean is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Moth-Argh vs Rug-zilla

Imagine, if you will, King Moth-Argh and his family have just invaded your house. Now, on the surface of it, it looks like a bunch of dull butterflies are fluttering about and opening the living-room windows will do the trick. 

Sadly, that isn't the case.

It’s what you don’t see that causes all the problems. We're talking about larvae. Not only are they and their cocoons tiny, they all but blend in with the colour of your rug too. A cursory or sometimes even a detailed inspection will not be enough to discover the cause of a potential carpet disaster.

They hide, often on the backs of rugs. The funny thing is, they are fussy eaters. They favour some colours over others, much like you kids and potatoes over broccoli. The tell-tale signs usually show as a dulling on certain parts of your rugs and piles of sand-like particles.  

Prevention is key. Vacuum your rugs often, front and back and don’t forget the decorative ones; those hanging on the walls you brought back from holiday are just as at risk as the ones you trample over day-in and day-out. Remember to look in your cupboards, under the stairs and generally in dark corners, that's where they love to hide. 

They can be in your clothes too. Moths love natural fibres, so if there is an infestation, get them to the dry cleaners, fast! We recommend Farthings Dry cleaners in Newmarket.

Of course, we don’t all plan for the worse and sometimes we’ll need help. Vacuum the carpet/rug thoroughly with a good machine; SEBO vacuums are top notch. Then empty/dispose of the bag. Moths and their larvae will simply tap a nap and if you're unfortunate, they're liable to escape and return to the scene of the crime.

There are sprays you can buy of course. Just be sure they are ‘made-for’ products, specially designed to eradicate the Moth-Argh problem. Also, be sure they don’t damage the wool or allow for colour run.

There is always the professional route too. Why not let Art of Clean tackle your rugs and save yourself the frustration.

What will we do?

Well, first we’ll collect your rugs and take them back to Clean HQ. That’s where all the magic happens.

Next, we’ll roll your rug and stick it our freezer. That’s tight, we’re going to freeze the little blighters.

After 7-14 days we will take the rug out and give it a rather healthy cleaning and treat it with a non-toxic compound; designed to dissuade even the staunchest of Moths from revisiting your rug/carpet.

This all sounds great, but let’s be honest, if there is a moth infestation, the only thing for it is a full house clean. It's worth mentioning that while your house might have moths, your neighbours may do too. Moths have to come from somewhere.

Call the Professionals.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Sunday 2 August 2015

How do I clean a Laura Ashley rug?
The late, great, Laura Ashley started her incredible business with a modicum of experience and a can do attitude. Along with her husband, Bernard, the pair and later, their children, created an institution.

Today, Laura Ashley furniture, home furnishings, fashion and carpets draw the eye the world over and the chances are, you or your neighbour own a piece, large or small, of the Ashley collection.

The allure of Laura Ashley products is undeniable, but the upkeep on some pieces, your rug in particular can me rather tiresome.

What’s the problem you ask? It’s just a rug. Stick it in the washing machine.

And that’s where we come in.

As specialists in rug and carpet care, Art of Clean knows that while yes, it is just a rug, it’s your rug and at some point, it was Laura’s rug too. That’s not really the point though, the point is a Laura Ashley rug is delicate.

Look at it. Look at the tag. See where it says 41% wool and around 50% cotton? There’s your problem.

Pop it in the washing machine and when it’s done drying, that large living-room rug will fit the small bedroom nicely and you’ll be off to John Lewis to buy yourself another.

Wool shrinks, as does cotton and no matter the care involved in the cleaning process, there’s always a risk.

Just look on any internet forum, you’ll see what we mean.

Shrinkage, browning and drying time; three bug bears of the Laura Ashley, rug lover’s community.

Give it over to us; we’ll care for your rug, fully submerge it in cool water, centrifugally extract the water, dry it, fast and give it the best chance it has at being as pretty as the day you bought it.

Art of Clean is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at

Friday 31 July 2015

The challenge of a hand woven rug

Hand woven rugs come from all areas of the world.

You can find them in Morocco, India, China…even John Lewis; if you can’t find the time to jet-set to another country.  

Around fifteen years ago, I found myself backpacking through Europe and ended-up in Marrakesh, where I was lucky enough to find this delightful piece.

Now, fifteen years is a long time and I am ashamed to say that I have failed this rug. As you can see, the poor fellow has been sunbathing far too much and as a result, he’s a touch dried out. 

The bright, brilliant yellows and ochre reds that filled the weave have long since vanished and now he’s left looking rather sad.

I explained this to our fearless leader – Pierre, who advised, “You know what, bring it in and we’ll see what we can do."

I'm sorry to say, that there is only so much a good cleaning can do and that's what we're saying here.

This is a beautiful design and while the colour may have depleted, the memories attached have not. Care is what's called for, from you and from us. A re-colouring might reinvigorate it, but it will never be new again. 

Pierre was honest and that's what we are with all our customers. We tell you how it really is, but we do it with a compassionate smile. 

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at