Tuesday 8 September 2015

Silk or not silk, that is the question

Silk rugs are often the most intricately made and valuable rugs of all the hand knotted rugs available. Their quality is beyond compare and with the strength the silk provides, these rugs show clearer patterns that any other.

But have you ever thought about where your silk comes from?

Here at Art of Clean we like to think about the origin of our rugs, to understand them is to love them. Silk worms or to give them their Latin name - Bombyx Mori, have been bred for the production of silk in China for over 5000 years.  

As the legend goes, the Chinese Empress Lei Zu was one day drinking tea under a tree. As you do. When a cocoon fell into her cup. I imagine, after feeling most surprised and annoying, she fished our the pod and began to unravel it around her finger and that is when she realised that the caterpillar larva was the source. Over the centuries various people tried to steal the secret to silk production, to the point that it is now manufactured around the world.

But it's not only Chinese worm bums that provide the treasured silk, you can, in fact, find it in the solidified larva of a large clam, just off the coast of the Sardinian island of Sant'Antioco.


When cleaning rugs, Art of Clean are very aware that sometimes, silk just ain't silk. Every once in a while a client has bought a, yes, beautiful rug, but the silk to rug ratio is sadly far below the quota to define it as silk. It can be disappointing, but a beautiful rug is always beautiful, no matter where it comes from.

Watch this short video and he will explain what to look for to check for yourself.

When in doubt, always call the professionals.

Art of Clean
 is a specialist cleaning firm in: 

Working for domestic or commercial clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.

For more information on our services contact our friendly team on 01223 863632 or email us at info@artofclean.co.uk

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